Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Breaking the rules

Rules have exceptions right? Well I am making one. This blog should only consist of photos that Sabrina and I have taken, or photos that readers have taken and submitted to us. This way, it makes it a little harder to fall pray to photoshopped billboards, and I think it gives an air of authenticity to the site. Well, the UNCG Atheist group was contacted about supplying money to the North Carolina atheist billboard campaign. As poor college students, mostly focused on outreach on campus, we declined. The billboards, thankfully still went up. However, after only being up for about a week, one in Charlotte was vandalized with a religious message

As campaign was done and supported by people I know, I thought I would make an exception to the rule and through it up there. So, again, a fun example of the lengths religious people will go to to promote their message.

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