Friday, October 15, 2010

UNCG Preachers

We had some more preachers at UNCG this week. Here are some pictures

And my favorite!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gaga oh-lala

One side of a business sign of 70 in North Carolina

The other side of that sign


This was a church sign in Charlotte. A friend of mine said to this: "I am so ready to trade in but I don't like the models he has in stock"

This was a sign from one of several protesters outside the Lady Gaga concert in Charlotte.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alabama's Natural Pairings

This was taken by my friend Alicia in Birmingham, Alabama. Can you get more stereotypical?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Word play

I don't eye god either.

Okay, I like this pun

Threats get you no where.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Massive post from May Florida trip

So, remember that trip Sabrina and I took to Florida? Here is more from it. As usual, click on the picture for a larger image. For some, you will have to.

God does have a "holy wind" (fyi, that was a fart joke)

This one says pray for the troops and their families

Jesus saves

This one says "God centered enrichment."

Pray Hardest when it is Hardest to Pray

I wanna play!

This is a FCA billboard...Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Clever. A people with a mission.

God has a blessing with my name on it!!!

This one says "It's not complicated, One Lord, One (Faith?) One Baptism Jesus (God)
There is some sort of Bible reference there also.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Jesus and BBQ, a match made in heaven!

Thanks to Phillip for sending this in. I have more photos to upload, and I promise to make a large photo post within a week. Working and commuting in DC just takes a lot out of me.

Meanwhile, enjoy.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Breaking the rules

Rules have exceptions right? Well I am making one. This blog should only consist of photos that Sabrina and I have taken, or photos that readers have taken and submitted to us. This way, it makes it a little harder to fall pray to photoshopped billboards, and I think it gives an air of authenticity to the site. Well, the UNCG Atheist group was contacted about supplying money to the North Carolina atheist billboard campaign. As poor college students, mostly focused on outreach on campus, we declined. The billboards, thankfully still went up. However, after only being up for about a week, one in Charlotte was vandalized with a religious message

As campaign was done and supported by people I know, I thought I would make an exception to the rule and through it up there. So, again, a fun example of the lengths religious people will go to to promote their message.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Photo's from Florida trip part 2

More photos from around Lakeland Florida.

Here is some blending of church and business.

God can do anything. Remember this.

I really loved this sign. It says "We r the soul agents in this area." But it is a little threatening I think. If they are like soul secret agents or something.

Yeah, yeah, baby jesus hates abortions. I get it.

This is Champions church. The front of the building is kind of neat. I was told it is meant to symbolize the crown of thorns.

So, god can do anything...

except keep letters straight on church signs

God can do anything...

except spell words correctly